When you choose a ticket without accommodation, the easiest way is to book your room directly at the hotel.
You can either stay at Grand Hotel Heiligendamm or in a Hotel near by.
Please find our suggestions below:
We have saved 10 “Early Bird” rooms for you! Just say the code “EARLY BIRD” when booking your room at Hotel Heiligendamm.
Early Bird rooms: 195€/night (single room)
single room: 245€/night
for other room options, please contact the hotel directly.
Phone: 038203 7407676
Mail: reservations@grandhotel-heiligendamm.de
single room: 70€/night
double room: 100€/night
Phone: 038203 779290
Mail: info@hotel-friedrich-franz-palais.de
Hotel Polarstern, Kühlungsborn
single room: 80€
double room: 120€
Mail: prinzenpalais@halbersbacher.de
Phone: 038203 427700
Mail: post@nettes-gaestehaus.de